We treat and educate patients regarding conditions including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, A-fib, diabetes, thyroid disease, arthritis, anemia, anticoagulation therapy, depression, anxiety, asthma, COPD, GERD, migraines and many more.
Acute/ Urgent care
Same day appointments for urgent issues. Also available nights and weekends. Urgent issues include sprains and and strains, lacerations, respiratory illness, gastrointestinal illness, rashes, allergic reactions, asthma flare, headache, eye injury, abdominal pain and many more.
Preventive Care
Well women exams Well men exams Nutritional counseling& Weight management
Screening tests for cervical cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis
Pediatrics visits
newborn care well child checks sick child visit sports physicals growth /developmental concerns behavioral issues nutritional counseling immunizations
joint injections, skin biopsy, laceration repair, bone splinting, cryotherapy for skin lesions, cyst drainage, ingrown nail removal
agreement with outpatient imaging center for – Xrays for orthopedic injuries , chest Xrays Mammography, Bone Density Testing
in our office we dispense over a 100 different medications, including insulin, BP and cholesterol medications, and antibiotics
multiple labs performed in-office – Strep and Flu, urinalysis, glucose , thyroid, and coumadin . Other labs are drawn at the office but processed at an outside lab
Services included with membership :
- skin biopsy- punch, shave, excisional
- full body scan- mole mapping
- abscess I + D
- cryotherapy
- wart treatment
lipoma excision
- pap smear
- endometrial biopsy
- wound care
suturing lacerations
- foreign body removal
- hearing testing
- Acute Migraine treatment
- Joint injection
- Splinting bones
- Sports Med
- Nutrition/Dietary counseling
- Sports physicals
- Employment physicals/testing
- Spirometry- Pulmonary Function testing
- Nebulizer treatment